Heartfelt Hilarity: Character Review of 'How to Make a Million Before Grandma Dies' (2024)

 Birds in the morning get worms - Amah -

The worms that wake up early die, the late worms survive -M-

You must be familiar with the trending movie "How to Make a Million Before Grandma Dies," right? As the title suggests, I'll be focusing on the character reviews this time. Directed and written by Pat Boonnitipat, the creative mind behind "Bad Genius" (2020), this film features an impressive cast and gives ample space to newcomers. For instance, Putthipong Assaratanakul stars as M, and Tontawan Tantivejakul, known for her role in the Thai F4 series, makes her debut as M's cousin.

Let's begin with the characterization of each character. First up is M

Portrayed as a grandson who dropped out of school to pursue a career in professional gaming, though he remains somewhat amateurish. His life revolves around himself, his mother, and his games, with little concern for anything else. Despite his carefree and whimsical demeanor, M harbors a deep love for his mother and is willing to go to great lengths for her.

M's relationship with his grandmother, Amah, is initially distant and indifferent. As someone who tends to prioritize his own interests over others, M hasn't been particularly close to his grandmother. However, one day, M unexpectedly decides to move in with his grandmother, whom he rarely visited before. This decision isn't driven by a desire to spend quality time with her, but rather by a cynical motive: witnessing how his cousin quickly became wealthy after caring for their grandfather and inheriting his fortune. Hoping for a similar windfall, M follows suit, believing he can achieve instant wealth by looking after his grandmother during her terminal illness.

Now, what do you think? This revelation paints M in a harsh light, portraying him as a self-serving grandson who manipulates the situation for personal gain rather than genuine care. This aspect of M's character may provoke frustration and disappointment among viewers, as it challenges the expectation of selfless caregiving without expecting anything in return, especially monetary rewards.

Before we dive deeper into M's character, let's explore the other characters in the story.

Next, we have the first child of the grandmother, Kiang. He is a married man with a young daughter named Rainbow, living comfortably in a nice house with a luxurious lifestyle. However, his busy schedule prevents him from spending much time with his mother and family. Kiang is portrayed as stubborn and unapologetically arrogant. Moving forward, there's Chew, Amah's daughter and M's mother. She's a dedicated and hardworking woman who single-handedly supports herself and M. From dawn till dusk, Chew toils tirelessly without being a demanding parent, allowing M the freedom to carve out his own path in life. Despite her busy schedule, Chew holds deep affection for Amah, though her responsibilities often keep her from spending as much time with her as she would like. Then there's Soei, Amah's youngest child. Described as unemployed, disorganized, burdened by debts, and living a chaotic life, Soei doesn't reside with Amah but frequently visits her to ask for money. Interestingly, Amah has remarked, "It's better if he doesn't come here. If he doesn't come, it means he's doing fine." This unconventional perspective stems from Amah's understanding that when parents urge their children to visit, it often indicates concern, but in Soei's case, it suggests his troubled circumstances.

After briefly explaining the other characters, are you curious how Amah is?

If you have a grandmother, then you know what most grandmothers are like, right? Amah is depicted as a stubborn grandmother who speaks her mind bluntly and does as she pleases. She often argues with M, her grandson. However, beneath her tough exterior lies a deep affection for her grandchildren and children. Despite saying no, her actions often show the opposite. Interestingly, in the story, Amah waits eagerly every day off for her children to join her for meals and invites them to play cards together. Although she doesn't explicitly express her desire to have her children around, she patiently waits for them, even if they are unable to make it.

You might be wondering if any of her children live with her. The answer is no—Amah lives alone in her old house. While it's true that her eldest son, Kiang, often sends money to Amah, it's not the kind of support she truly needs. What Amah longs for is time and genuine companionship. This is why M's insincere presence, despite his motives, was still welcomed by Amah.

Does M stick to his goal? Is he being nice just for the inheritance he is looking forward to? In the beginning, yes, it is undeniable. Even in one of the scenes where Amah and M are having a light conversation, Amah says that she knows that M is also looking forward to something in the end. M doesn't deny it, because it's true. But you must have heard the saying that every human being must change, so that also applies to M.

As M grew closer to his grandmother, he gradually embraced her routines, joining her in playing cards, sharing meals, and even sleeping under the same bed. Their time together was punctuated with humorous exchanges, such as:

"Why don't you button the bottom button of your shirt, Mah? Trying to look sexy?"

"It feels tight!"

"Why are you still wearing those sandals? They seem tight."

"They fit just right."

"Yeah, 'fitting' means tight."

"M, you should go to work. Don't take care of me."

"Mah, I will go, but only after Amah is healthy."

M consistently cared for his grandmother, even insisting on staying until she was unable to walk or respond. However, when the time came and Amah could no longer communicate, M felt disappointed. He had hoped to earn her approval as a good grandson, only to learn that the deed to her house had been given to her youngest child—not what M had anticipated.

In the end, M's initial goal faded away as he developed a genuine love for his grandmother, consistently being there for her. When she was moved to a nursing home, M insisted on bringing her back to his house, "Mah, let's go back home to my house," which touched Amah deeply. Despite previous tensions, including Amah's refusal to live near her son's house Kiang, he eventually apologized to her. Interestingly, it wasn't solely his decision—it was revealed that Amah had a deep fondness for beef but gave it up after her son Kiang fell ill from eating it. This act of sacrifice by Amah led Kiang to feel remorseful and offer his apology.

Did you know in the end, M changed? Yes, it's remarkable how M undergoes a transformation from a self-centered individual focused on personal gain to a selfless person. This change is exemplified by M's decision not to use the savings that his grandmother had set aside for his own benefit. Instead, he uses these funds to purchase the best and most desired burial plot for his grandmother, ensuring that it becomes her final resting place. This act demonstrates M's profound shift in priorities and values, reflecting his newfound selflessness and deep love for his grandmother.

Positive Take Away

There are valuable lessons to be learned from stories like this. It teaches us that showing affection doesn't always require words; actions speak volumes. Our mothers and grandmothers often express their love in unique and subtle ways, showing us how deeply they care. Time is precious and irreplaceable—it's something we can't purchase with money or possessions. However, we can give the gift of our time to our loved ones, cherishing moments together and creating meaningful memories that last a lifetime. This movie reminds us of the importance of love, family, and making the most of every moment we have with those we hold dear.

Apart from the character review, I give this movie a perfect 5 out of 5 stars! I highly recommend watching it at least once in your lifetime. Be sure to have plenty of tissues on hand because it's guaranteed to bring tears flowing like a river.

The pictures here belong to pinterest~ 

This is the character review version that I did on instagram, check it out in the short version!

