Exploring 'The Theory of Everything (2010)': Fun Trivia, Behind-the-Scenes Secrets, and Emotional Reflections


I know what you think. That I don't look like a terribly strong person. But I love him... And he loves me. We're going to fight this illness together.

~ Jane Hawking ~

There are so many movies that can make us touched and also learn many things. But there are not many movies that create an atmosphere of emotion mixed with a feeling of resilience and also produce life lessons that we can learn. I think that's the beauty of the movie The Theory Of Everything (2010). So this is a movie review, but not your typical movie review. Here we will discuss more about the background, setting, fun-facts, and also the emotional side of the movie.


"The Theory of Everything," a 2014 biographical romantic drama directed by James Marsh, takes place at the University of Cambridge and follows the life of physicist Stephen Hawking. Adapted by Anthony McCarten from Jane Hawking's 2007 memoir, "Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen," the movie explores her relationship with Stephen, his ALS diagnosis, and his achievements in physics. The movie stars Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones. 


If you look at the picture beside, are you familiar with the place?

It's at the University of Cambridge and as the background says, the filming location was there and it's still there today. This image is just a few of the many locations they shot. The image is Kitchen Bridge, St. John's College. Since Stephen Hawking studied there, the filmmakers chose real locations from his life to make the movie feel more authentic.


Then not only is the location real and not made up, but the main cast in this movie also built their characters without being made up. What do you think Eddie and Felicia Jones did when they got the roles of Stephen and Jane?

The unique fact is that Eddie met Stephen in person and learned firsthand how Stephen Hawking's character really is. Not only that, but he also watched some footage of Stephen Hawking when he was young, and he studied Stephen's speech intonation, behavior. Not to forget Felicity Jones who did the same thing as Eddie, she met Jane and studied Jane Hawking's speech intonation. Felicity's character was directly appreciated by Jane Hawking and she felt that Felicity was very similar to her at the time.

In addition, there are other facts that are no less surprising. Based on the picture above, you must have guessed it, right?

Stephen Hawking and Jane Hawking came to the set where Eddie and Felicity were filming. Their presence was warmly welcomed by the production team and the actors there. Jane Hawking at that time saw Felicity playing herself, she felt like she was taken back in time, because the place setting was made in such a way as her memory.


Aside from the fascinating facts and behind-the-scenes stories, the visual effects in "The Theory of Everything" really caught my eye. The filmmakers masterfully used color tones to channel emotions throughout the movie.Unlike many films that stick to a single color tone, this movie used two dominant tones to great effect. The blue-greenish tone is used when characters are in bad conditions, such as feeling depressed, sick, or experiencing cold, harsh situations. In contrast, the yellow-orangeish tone conveys happiness and joy, making those moments feel warm and uplifting. The careful selection and use of these colors play an important role in conveying the emotions and atmosphere of each scene.

Jane's Strength

Aside We can't overlook Jane Hawking's character when reviewing this movie. While Stephen Hawking's struggle to reach his peak is well-known, the film beautifully portrays the strength and resilience of the woman behind him.

Stephen and Jane fell in love, but just as their relationship blossomed, Stephen was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, which gradually took away his physical abilities while leaving his brilliant mind intact. Despite this devastating news, Jane convinced Stephen that she loved him for who he was and vowed to stand by him, even as his condition worsened. They eventually married, and Jane's strength, patience, and determination became evident as Stephen's health declined.

Watching Stephen struggle to walk and talk, Jane never gave up or felt repulsed. Instead, she supported him unwaveringly. If I were in Jane's shoes, I would like to think that maybe I would not as strong as her. Jane's unwavering support is a testament to the power of love and commitment, showing that true partnership endures through even the most challenging circumstances.

Jane did not back down, nor did her love diminish at all. She continued to love Stephen Hawking. The following scene touched my heart, can you see it? How determined is Jane to teach Stephen to communicate? Helping him learn to communicate again and Jane has always helped Stephen tirelessly. However, there are times when we get tired, and that's the same for Jane. The difference is, even though she is tired and maybe the love is slowly fading, she continues to learn and try to love Stephen. In the end, it was Stephen who decided to let Jane Hawking go.  

For this special scene...

That scene is incredibly powerful and deeply moving. It captures the complexity of their relationship and the emotional toll of Stephen's illness on both of them. Jane's words to Stephen, as seen in the picture, convey a mix of pain and relief. She acknowledges the end of their romantic relationship, and while it hurts both of them, it also brings a sense of closure and understanding.

Stephen's tears in response highlight his awareness of the situation and his own sorrow, which resonates deeply with viewers. This poignant moment showcases the depth of their connection and the intense emotions involved, making it a standout scene in the movie. It’s a testament to the film's ability to portray raw, human emotions, leaving a lasting impact on the audience.

You've probably heard this phrase before, haven't you? "I have loved you."

Emotional Reflect

From this movie I learned many things, love is not just a sense of love, a sense of happiness, a sense of wanting to be together. But, love and loving is something that involves sacrifice, struggle, and a strong sense of continuing to walk hand in hand with the person we love. Look at Jane, she keeps trying to love Stephen who has many flaws, but his flaws make Jane a stronger person. This kind of love story is difficult to realize, but that doesn't mean it's not possible.

Overall I give this movie a 10/10! You have to see this movie for yourself and enjoy it. The images here are also not mine, you can search for them on Pinterest with the keyword The Theory Of Everything. Let me close this review with a quote from Stephen Hawking

"There should be no bounderies to human endavor. However bad life may seem. Where there is hope, there is life."

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